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When creating a new listing type, it will save you time to start with a pre-made configuration and customize it to your needs instead of configuring everything from scratch. It's also a good way to learn how our team has used the listing type editor and configured the fields you see in our demos.

How to download and import these configurations?

Below, there are download links for each configuration file. Once you download them, go to your wordpress dashboard, choose Listing types > add new. Name the listing type and click "Publish". Once that's done, to the right side of the page click the button "Import config file" and choose the json file you downloaded. Once the import is done, click "Update" to save it. That's it.



Place Listing type – Download

Event Listing type – Download

Real estate listing type – Download

Cars listing type – Download


Important: Cars listing type requires a custom taxonomy to be created before importing the configuration. Please go to wp-admin > listings > taxonomies


Create this taxonomy:


Taxonomy name: Custom Taxonomy: Car Brand

Taxonomy slug: custom-taxonomy-car-brand


Jobs listing type – Download


Important: Jobs listing type requires three custom taxonomies to be created before importing the configuration.
Please go to wp-admin > listings  > taxonomies


Create these taxonomies:


Taxonomy name: Custom Taxonomy: Vacancy type

Taxonomy slug: job-vacancy-type


Taxonomy name: Custom Taxonomy: Qualification

Taxonomy slug: job-qualification


Taxonomy name: Custom Taxonomy: Salary

Taxonomy slug: job-salary

