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The add listing page, is the page your users will use to submit their listings. This page can be created by following these steps.


1. In wp-admin > Pages > Add new page and name it "Add listing"

2. Edit the page using Elementor

3. Add the 27 > add listing form widget to the page

4. Choose the listing types you want to include in the widget settings

5. Click Update when you're finished

6. Go to wp-admin > theme tools > theme options > explore > and select the default add listing page there.


Frequently asked questions

Can I add other content to this page or apply styling using Elementor?

Yes, you can add any extra content you like or apply styling using Elementor, however these will appear only in the first step of the add listing process.


Can I have more than one add listing page?

Yes, you can have as many add listing pages as you like


Why I can't see the first add listing step if I add only one listing type to the add listing page?

When there's a single listing type added, there's no need to ask users to choose the listing type. In this case, the first step is skipped and the user goes directly to the other step.


Is add listing page optional?

Yes, if you don't want to allow users to submit listings, you don't need to create this page
